Awesome Miner has two concepts for profit switching.

Managed Profit Switching - For GPU and CPU mining

  • Based on the concept of Managed Miner, but requires a specific kind called Managed Profit Miner
  • Intended to be used for GPU and CPU mining running on Windows
  • Supports automatic switching between multiple algorithms and mining software (e.g. switching between Gminer, NbMiner and more)
  • Automatically switch between multiple algorithms, online services like NiceHash and single coin pools
  • For more details, see the guide Profit switching for GPU and CPU mining.

External Profit Switching - For ASIC mining

  • Operates by changing priorities of existing pools of an already running External Miner
  • Intended to be used for ASIC miners
  • Works with many kinds of mining software, but will not change the mining software being used
  • Automatically switch between multiple online services like NiceHash and defined single coin pools
  • For more details, see the guide Profit switching for ASIC mining.

How the the profit switching feature works

  • The profit switcher can work on single coin pools, but these must be manually added in Awesome Miner. Any pool with a known coin where the profit information is listed in the Coins tab can be used. The coins and statistics on the Coins tab are by default from the coin statistics sources
    Summary: The profit switcher cannot automatically switch to the coins on the Coins tab - you must find a pool where to mine these coins first.
  • The statistics used by the profit switcher is based on the current profit or 24 hour average profit information from the supported multi-pools and from the coin statistics sources. The setting for using either the current or 24 hour profitability can be found in the Options dialog, Statistics Settings section.
  • For more information about the coin statistics and profitability predictions, see the guide Coin and profit statistics.


The profit switching feature can be configured in the Options dialog, Profit Switching section in Awesome Miner.

Both the Managed Profit Switching and External Profit Switching features are calculating the most profitable coin and algorithm on a regular interval and takes action to setup all configured miners for this.

  • Switching interval: Number of minutes between each calculation for profitability and possible change of mining algorithm or mining software
  • Profit switch threshold (%) By specifying a threshold, Awesome Miner will not make a profit switch if the profit gain is too small. This prevents too frequent switches that may have a bad impact on the profitability. A threshold of 5% indicates that it must be at least 5% more profitable before the profit switcher will make a change.

There are also additional settings in this dialog specific to Managed Profit Miners. 

Electricity price can be configured in the Options dialog, Profitability section

View profit calculations

To get a better understanding of why Awesome Miner prioritize a specific pool, select a miner and change to the Profit Switching tab below the list of miners. In addition to the last profit switching calculations, a history of the previous calculations are also available.

Note that the profit values listed are based on the hashrates in the selected Profit profile. These may represent a single GPU only, even if the miner has multiple GPU's. This is not an issue as these profit values are only used to compare between the pools and algorithms. The actual profit while mining will be based on the actual hashrate and displayed in the Miners tab in the main window of Awesome Miner.

Example of profit switching