External Miners can be added and modified using the Properties dialog. To add or modify a miner, go to the Options dialog, External Miners section. To modify a miner from the main list of miners, right click on the miner and select Properties.

Miner Properties

The example below illustrates an Antminer for Bitcoin mining.

  • Description: Give the miner a description (optional)
  • Remote host: The IP address or hostname of the computer where the miner is running. In this case the IP address of the Antminer ASIC. The default port for Cgminer is 4028. If the port isn't default, it must be specified explicitly e.g. MINERHOST:4044.
  • Enable connection: If set, Awesome Miner will request status updates from the miner.
  • Algorithm: Define algorithm for this miner. This setting is used to restrict the selection of pools that be added to the miner.
  • Mining software: Select the mining software running on the remote miner. Most ASIC's, including Antminer, should be configured with "ASIC miner (Cgminer compatible)".
  • ASIC hardware: Select the specific ASIC hardware in the list to fully support all operations
  • Add to worker name: When enabled, the specified name will be added after the worker name specified by the pool. Example: If the pool specifies the worker name "MyWorker", and the value "2" is specified here, the effective worker name when this miner uses the pool will be "MyWorker.2".
  • Profit Profile: Profit profile to use, even when not using the profit switching feature. The Profit profiles defines the ideal hashrate and power usage for the miner. Additional Profit profiles can be defined in the Options dialog, profit Profile section.
  • Enable profit switching: Read more in the guide Profit switching for ASIC mining
  • Connection: Most modern miners provides web interfaces and APIs for configuring and controlling the miner. This represents the default value Web/API. For certain ASIC miners, mainly older ASIC miners, SSH can be used instead.
  • Use custom SSH credentials: The global SSH credentials are defined in the Options dialog, Mining Settings section. To override, specify the miner specific SSH username and password here.
  • Use custom Web/API credentials: The global Web and API credentials are defined in the Options dialog, Mining Settings section. To override, specify the miner specific Web/API username and password here.

Remote Proxy

Remote Proxy is a feature only intended for large scale mining operations. See the page about the Remote Proxy for details.


Define SSH port for SSH connections used for rebooting and setting default pools on ASIC miners. The default port is 22, but in case of port forwarding to access remote miners, the port can be changed.