The automatic discovery feature is similar to the network scan in Awesome Miner as it's looking for new miners to add in Awesome Miner. The concept is to automate the process by running the scans for new miners in the background on a regular interval, making newly connected miner on the network show up in Awesome Miner automatically.
The feature is configured in the Options dialog, Managed Hosts section. In case the Remote Proxy feature is being used there will be one entry for each of them. There will always be an entry called Local, representing the local Awesome Miner installation. In case no Remote Proxies are being used and Awesome Miner manage the miners locally - it's the Local entry that should be configured.
In the Managed Host Properties, there is a section called Automatic miner discovery where the configuration can be made.
A host can be configured with multiple IP address ranges where it will scan for new miners and automatically add them to the specified miner group in Awesome Miner. To automate the automatic configuration of new miners, a rule can be specified to be executed for all the added miners. The rule can for example setup API privileges and default pool settings on the miners.
The recommendation is to keep the number of miners per group below 1000 miners for performance reasons. The recommendation is to define multiple IP address ranges and map each range to a specific group, keeping the number of miners per group to less than 1000.
Import via CSV
The IP address range list can be imported via a CSV-file, using the Advanced button. The CSV file format is the following, where each line in the CSV file is representing one range.
The <MinerGroup> is optional and represents the name of the miner group where the discovered miners should be added.
Optional: MAC address identification
When using the Automatic miner discovery, Awesome Miner can optionally be configured to identify miners by MAC address (instead of IP address). The MAC address identification can be enabled via the Options dialog, Mining Settings section.
When using the MAC address identification, the Awesome Miner will identify and keep track of the MAC addresses of all ASIC miners. In case the IP address of an ASIC miner is changed, this change will be detected and the corresponding External Miner in Awesome Miner will be updated with the new IP address.
Note. The MAC address identification feature requires the Automatic miner discovery feature to be enabled.