The power curtailment feature can be used to automatically power down and power up ASIC miners based on the current electricity price, a signal from the power provider or any custom trigger condition. The curtailment rules are configured in the Awesome Miner Options dialog, Rules section, Curtailment tab.

General settings

Profit profile

For some of the providers, Awesome Miner can read and set the current electricity price. By default this will set the global electricity price (as defined in the Options dialog, Profitability section). In case multiple sites with different electricity prices are being used, the concepts of Profit Profiles can be used to let each profile represent a site. A specific curtailment rule can be configured to update a specific Profit Profile.

Only trigger for selected miners

By default the curtailment rule will perform the power down and power up actions for all miners. This property can be used to select a specific set of miners or miner groups to be used for the actions.



Select the (None) provider to define a curtailment rule without automatically updating the electricity price and without subscribing to curtailment signals from a provider.

Region: PJM

Automatically update the electricity price based on the region specified in the Parameters field. Requires an API key to use.

Example of Parameters field:



Automatically update the electricity price based on the region specified in the Parameters field. Requires an API key to use.

Example of Parameters field:


Region: Europe

List of countries and electricity regions within Europe. By selecting a country/region, Awesome Miner can automatically update the electricity price based on the currently reported price.


A curtailment rule has separate trigger conditions for powering down and powering up the miners. The following trigger conditions can be set

  • Electricity price
  • Custom trigger.
    Custom triggers can be defined in standard rules in the Options dialog, Rules section, Rules tab. After saving the rule it will be possible to reference from the curtailment rule.
  • Curtailment via provider

Multiple trigger conditions can be used and can either be required to match with all or match with at least one.

The triggers and actions for the power down and power up scenarios are configured separately. In case the power down triggers are met - it will take priority over the power up triggers. The power up triggers will not be considered if the power down triggers are met.


When the trigger conditions are met, the specified actions will be executed.