This article describes how to get started with Ravencoin mining in Awesome Miner.


  • Awesome Miner must be installed
  • Optional: Awesome Miner Remote Agent must be installed on any additional computers where you want to run the mining
  • You need a GPU from either nVidia or AMD with recent GPU drivers installed
  • You need a Ravencoin wallet as you need to provide a Ravencoin wallet address as part of the setup

1) In the Awesome Miner toolbar, select New pool -> Add predefined pool.

2) Awesome Miner includes a number of predefined pools. In this example we will use with Ravencoin.

a) Check the box for Ravencoin

b) Select Add a single selected pool and setup a Managed Miner

3) Fill in your Ravencoin wallet address in the field below

4) Select the mining software to use. In this example we will use Gminer

5) The setup is now complete and the miner can be started