Awesome Miner has a built-in web server that can be access from standard web browsers on computers, tablets and smart phones.

The Awesome Miner Web gives an overview of the mining operations, and provides operations to start, stop, restart and reboot miners. Device and pool information is also displayed. All functionality of the Awesome Miner Windows application is however not included.

This guide describes the built-in web server where Awesome Miner itself acts as a web server. In order to get access to the web interface via a public cloud service, an alternative is to use the optional Awesome Miner Cloud Services.

Desktop web browser

The screenshot below show the details of a specific miner in the desktop web browser.


The built-in web server can be configured in the Options dialog, Application services section. 

  • Enable: If enabled, Awesome Miner will open a port where the web interface can be access from a web browser. The URL specified in the Server address field can be used to access the web from any web browser. To access the web from your mobile device when being away from home, you need to configure your router for port forwarding.
  • Enable CORS: Enables Cross-origin resource sharing (see Wikipedia) for the web server. Leave unchecked unless there is a specific development scenario that requires CORS to be enabled.
  • It is highly recommended to enable authentication to access the web pages, via the Options dialog, Security section.

Use SSL certificate for HTTPS

In order to use encrypted traffic over HTTPS, an SSL certificate is required for the web server. This is a general requirement on web servers when using secure HTTPS connections and not a requirement unique to Awesome Miner. The built-in web server in Awesome Miner can either run with HTTP (no encryption, which is the default) or with HTTPS (encryption using an SSL certificate).

Prerequisites for using HTTPS with the built-in web server

  • Awesome Miner Enterprise Edition or above
  • A valid SSL certificate
    • The certificate must be purchased from an authority that's providing SSL certificates for HTTPS
    • The process of getting a certificate is not related to Awesome Miner

Please note that an SSL certificate is only required for using HTTPS with the built-in web interface in Awesome Miner. If Cloud Services is used to access the web interface, the connections are always using HTTPS and no manual setup of SSL is required.

The installation steps below assumes a that a valid SSL certificate is available.


Install a valid SSL certificate for Local Computer, both in Trusted Root Certification Authority and Personal folder. It's important to install the SSL certificate for the Computer, and not for the current user only.

To install an SSL certificate for Local Computer, the Windows CertMgr application must be started with Administrator Privileges. Run mmc.exe as Administrator to open an empty management console. Add the Certificate snap-in via File -> Add or Remove Snap-ins. Select Certificates, click Add and finally select Computer account.

The next step is to add the certificate to both Trusted Root Certification Authority and Personal folder. For each of those, import the certificate as illustrated below.

The configuration dialog in Awesome Miner requires the Thumbprint of the Ceritificate. This information can be found in Windows CertMgr, when double clicking on an already installed Certificate. The Thumbprint is listed at the bottom of the Details tab, as illustrated below.

Manual installation of SSL certificate

One some systems Awesome Miner may not be able to install the SSL certificate automatically. In these scenarios, execute the commands below from a command prompt with administrator privileges. Replace the 'X' in 'certhash=X' with the Thumbprint of the Ceritificate. The Thumbprint must be entered as a single string without any spaces or other characters than the letters and digits. The port is assumed to be 17790 in the example below, but must be configured to match the port configuration in Awesome Miner.

netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:17790/
netsh http delete urlacl url=https://+:17790/
netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:17790/ user=Everyone
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=X appid={FF112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}