Awesome Miner provides a concept where tags can be defined and then added to miners. In the list of miners, the tags for each miner is listed.

The Tag Editor is used to define new tags and to set tags on a miner. To open the Tag Editor, right click on one or many miners and select Tags.

The upper section of the Tag Editor is used to add and remove tags on the selected miners. The lower section of the Tag Editor is used to define new tags and remove tags from the system. Before a tag can be applied to a miner, it must first be created. Once created, it can be applied to any miner.

In addition to the Tag Editor, there is a faster way to change tags of a single selected miner. Via the Tags & Notes tab at the bottom of the screen, tags can be added or removed from a miner with a single click.

Filter by tag

All defined tags are listed on the Find tab. By clicking on any of the buttons, the list of miners will be filtered and only include miners with the selected tags. Via the Tags filter button, the filter feature can be configured to require either one or all selected tags to match.