Worker names are used by mining pools to identify your account and the hashrate contribution of each individual miner. Some mining pools requires a Wallet address to be specified instead of a Worker name. Go to the mining pool web site for more information.


Pool configuration, where Worker name can be configured.

Managed Miner configuration, Add to worker name is used to specify miner specific parts of the Worker name. Managed Profit Miners also have a setting for Add to worker name.

Scenario 1: Use same worker name for all miners

This is an easy configuration to setup as it doesn't require any miner specific configuration. All miners using the same pool in Awesome Miner will report using the same worker name to the pool. From the pool web site it will not be possible to see the the hashrate for each individual miner, just the total hashrate.

  • Pool properties, Worker name: myuser.1
  • Miner #1 properties, Add to worker name: (blank)
  • Miner #2 properties, Add to worker name: (blank)

Resulting worker name for Miner#1: myuser.1

Resulting worker name for Miner#2: myuser.1

Scenario 2: Use miner specific worker names

In this scenario, the pool defines the first part of the worker name, which is common for all miners, and each miner defines the last part that is unique for each miner.

  • Pool properties, Worker name: myuser
  • Miner #1 properties, Add to worker name: 1
  • Miner #2 properties, Add to worker name: 2

Resulting worker name for Miner#1: myuser.1

Resulting worker name for Miner#2: myuser.2

For miners not defining any Add to worker name, the resulting worker name will be myuser.

Scenario 3: Use miner specific worker without sharing any part of the name

In this scenario, the pool doesn't define any common part of the worker name. Instead, each miner must define a full worker name.

  • Pool properties, Worker name: [MinerWorker]
  • Miner #1 properties, Add to worker name: myuser.1
  • Miner #2 properties, Add to worker name: myuser.2

Resulting worker name for Miner#1: myuser.1

Resulting worker name for Miner#2: myuser.2

For miners not defining any Add to worker name, mining will not work.

Scenario 4: Proxy solutions requires worker name in Pool URL

The pool URL should be based on a worker name that is unique per miner.

  • Pool properties, Server URL:[WorkerName]
  • Pool properties, Worker name: (blank)
  • Pool properties, Advanced section, Worker name separator: Custom: (blank)
  • Miner #1 properties, Add to worker name: myuser1
  • Miner #2 properties, Add to worker name: myuser2

Resulting pool URL for Miner#1:

Resulting pool URL for Miner#2:

Scenario 5: Ignore "Add to worker name" for specific pools

In many of the examples above, the miners have been configured with Add to worker name, that appends a unique part to the worker name for each miner. This will be applied for all pools that is used in combination with this miner.

Some pools may not have support for this, and these pools can be configured to ignore what is configured on the miner.

  • Pool properties, Worker name: myuser
  • Pool properties, Advanced section: Check: Ignore "Add to worker name" on miner
  • Miner #1 properties, Add to worker name: 1
  • Miner #2 properties, Add to worker name: 2

Resulting worker name for Miner#1 on this specific pool: myuser

Resulting worker name for Miner#2 on this specific pool: myuser

Using description of a miner in the worker name field

To use the description of the miner as worker name, put the following information in the Add to worker name field: [MinerDescription]

Setting worker name in the password field

There are a few pools that requires the worker name to be passed in the password field. Put the following variable in the password field in the properties of the pool, where it will be replaced by the miner specific worker name when passed to the mining pool.

Password: [MinerWorker]

External Miners - Use worker name based on IP address

When deploying a large number of ASIC miners, it can be convenient to simply let the IP address of the miner be used as worker name. In the properties of an External Miner, the field "Add to worker name" can use the variables [IP1], [IP2], [IP3] and [IP4]. [IP1] represents the first segment of the IP address and [IP4] represents the last. Assuming the IP address of the miner is, the following example illustrates how this can be used.

  • Pool properties, Worker name: myuser
  • External Miner #1 properties, Add to worker name: [IP3].[IP4]
  • External Miner #2 properties, Add to worker name: [IP4]

Resulting worker name for External Miner#1: myuser.2.53

Resulting worker name for External Miner#2: myuser.53

In addition to [IP1] and the variables above, the same variables can be used with padding of '0' as well. While [IP4] may result in "53", the use of "[IP4P]" would result in "053", making sure that all IP address numbers consists of three digits.


Awesome Miner can use variables in the worker name field and command line arguments for a miner. Variables can be configured per miner in the Properties of the miner, Advanced section. Awesome Miner can also fallback to read Windows environment variables if a specific variable isn't defined in Awesome Miner.

Example of using a variable called MyWorker

Profit switching - Bitcoin address per miner

The pools used for the profit switching feature are configured in the Options dialog, Profit switching section. For the built-in pools like Nicehash, there is only a single field to enter the Bitcoin address to mine to. This address will be used for all Managed Profit Miners.

To set unique Bitcoin addresses per Managed Profit Miner, the Bitcoin address field can be set to - (a dash). Each Managed Profit Miner must now specify a Bitcoin address in the Add to worker name setting.

Nanopool Wallet address syntax

Nanopool Ethereum pool supports Wallet address to include worker name information on the format:

EWALL indicates the Ethereum wallet address, WORKER is the worker name and EMAIL is your e-mail address.

Awesome Miner allows specification of the worker name in the middle by using the following syntax:

[MinerWorker] will be replaced with the miner specific worker name specified in the miner properties, Add to worker name.