Note: This feature is currently only available in development preview 9.13 and later. The feature will be officially released with Awesome Miner 10.0.

The power curtailment feature can be used to automatically power down and power up ASIC miners based on the current electricity price or any custom trigger condition. The curtailment rules are configured in the Awesome Miner Options dialog, Rules section, Curtailment tab.



Select the (None) provider to define a curtailment rule without automatically updating the electricity price. Requires an API key to use. 


Automatically update the electricity price based on the region selected in the Parameters field. Requires an API key to use.

Example of Parameters field:



Automatically update the electricity price based on the region selected in the Parameters field. Requires an API key to use.

Example of Parameters field:



List of countries and electricity regions within Europe. By selecting a country/region, Awesome Miner can automatically update the electricity price based on the currently reported price.


A curtailment rule has separate trigger conditions for powering down and powering up the miners. In addition to specifying a electricity price and custom trigger can be used. If both the electricity price and a custom triggers are selected - both conditions must be met for the power down or power up to happen.

Custom triggers are defined in standard rules in the Options dialog, Rules section, Rules tab. After saving the rule it will be possible to reference from the curtailment rule.


When the trigger conditions are met, the specified actions will be executed.